
Showing posts from January 7, 2024


AFTER SEX WHAT NEXT. It's possible for any man to ask for sex in a relationship, but is left for you as a lady to know that sex, can't keep him..(Sex isn't enough) There are two major factors ladies complain about sex in a relationship: (1) After giving him my body he left me.. (2)He left because I refused to have sex with him.. NOTE: Both those who gave and those who refused to give are complaining... ( Whats the difference) Ladies Listen, Sex isn't enough, its not the only thing you can offer a man. If You Don't Have Anything To Offer A Man Outside Sex, Please remain Single... A man can't stay with you because his having sex with you.... Relationship is not buying and selling. There are much to life than Monkey style, Doggy style, Missionary style, Apple n juice style, step pillows style, etc ... Are you sound intellectually? Spiritually? Physically? Mentally? Emotionally? Men love intelligent ladies... Men love ladies with ideas.. Men love respectful ladies..


Here are 7 Lessons from Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn 1. The Dangers of Miscommunication: The story highlights the devastating consequences of miscommunication in relationships. Nick and Amy's inability to communicate honestly and openly leads to misunderstandings, resentment, and ultimately, Amy's elaborate scheme. This lesson emphasizes the importance of effective communication, active listening, and emotional vulnerability in healthy relationships. 2. The Illusion of Perfect Lives: The novel challenges the societal obsession with perfection, particularly in the context of marriage and family life. Amy's meticulously crafted image of a "cool girl" unravels as the story progresses, revealing the dark secrets and complexities that lie beneath the surface. This lesson encourages us to embrace imperfections, be wary of idealized portrayals in media and social media, and focus on genuine connection over superficial appearances. 3. The Impact of Media Frenzy: The novel r


7 practical lessons from the book "How to Read a Person Like a Book" by Gerard I. Nierenberg and Henry H. Calero "How to Read a Person Like a Book" is a book written by Gerard I. Nierenberg and Henry H. Calero that provides insights into understanding and interpreting nonverbal communication. 1. Pay attention to body language: Nonverbal cues such as facial expressions, gestures, and posture can reveal a persons true thoughts and feelings. Observing these cues can help you understand someones level of interest, comfort, or discomfort. 2. Look for clusters of signals: Instead of relying on a single gesture or expression, its important to consider a combination of nonverbal cues. A cluster of signals can provide a more accurate understanding of a persons emotions or intentions. 3. Understand the context: Nonverbal communication should be interpreted in the context of the situation and the individuals cultural background. Different cultures may have different norms and