THE 48 LAWS OF POWER. A Book written by Robert Greene that offers a Series of Strategies for Obtaining and Maintaining Power in various situations. Here I leave you a summary of the 48 Laws: 1. Don't Outshine the Boss: Make your Superiors feel Superior. Don't expose your Talent too much or you might Trigger their Insecurity. 2. Don't Trust friends too much, use your Enemies: Friends Betray you more easily, but if you Manage to WIN an Enemy, they will be more Loyal. 3. Hide your Intentions: Keep People Off Balance so they can't anticipate your Actions. 4. Always say Less than Necessary: Silence Breeds Power, and Talking too much Reveals your Plans. 5. Protect your Reputation at all Costs: Reputation is the Cornerstone of Power. 6. Call Attention at all Costs: Be Visible to be Relevant. 7. Make others Work for you and Attribute it: Take Advantage of the Work and Effort of others to your Advantage. 8. Make others come to you: Don't Run after Others, make them L