8 practical lessons from the book "Master Your Beliefs" by Thibaut Meurisse "Master Your Beliefs" by Thibaut Meurisse is a book that focuses on the power of beliefs and how they shape our lives. 1. Beliefs shape reality Our beliefs act as filters through which we perceive the world. They influence our thoughts, emotions, and actions, ultimately shaping our reality. By understanding and mastering our beliefs, we can create a more empowering and fulfilling life. 2. Question your beliefs Many of our beliefs are inherited from our upbringing, society, or past experiences. It is essential to question these beliefs and determine whether they serve us or hold us back. By challenging and replacing limiting beliefs, we can open ourselves up to new possibilities. 3. Choose empowering beliefs We have the power to choose our beliefs consciously. Instead of adopting disempowering beliefs, we can intentionally cultivate beliefs that support our growth, success, and happiness. Th...